Yoga Nidra: The Art of Deep Rest

Yoga Nidra is a practice of deep rest that helps counter modern stress, improve recovery, and enhance mental clarity. Unlike traditional meditation, it guides you effortlessly into relaxation, making it ideal for those of us who find it a little ...

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Soul People | Pooja Punjabi

Next up in our Soul People Series: meet Pooja Punjabi, one of our yoga teachers in India.

Soul & Surf’s Design Style

How Soul & Surf’s graphic design played its part in us finding our niche within the surf, yoga and retreats world.

Soul People | Lucy Small

We chat with Australian surfer and equal rights activist Lucy Small, about Soul, Surfing and her short film, Yama, that follows her as she travels to Ghana to meet with a group of pioneering female surfers and skaters.

Off The Beaten Path – A Family Adventure

The essence of Soul & Surf is travel - good ol' off-the-beaten-track exploration. After all, the company was dreamt up while Ed & Sofie were on a round the world trip. So it makes sense to reignite that sense of adventure - ...

Why Surfing Is Good For Your Mental Health

Anyone that has shaken off a bad mood by immersing themselves in water knows how cathartic the ocean can be. And us surfers are very aware of how important the connection with the sea is to our mental health. Guest ...

How To Travel Without Single Use Plastic

Soul & Surf’s quick and easy guide to travelling without single-use plastic. We're keeping it simple with a short list of how to pack – and travel – with as little of the bad stuff as you can.

Sustainably Solo: The Green Angle to Taking a Solo Trip

Going solo isn't just about popping off on an adventure – it's a chance to expand your understanding of different cultures, landscapes and even to make better choices for the planet. When you travel solo, you're in control of every decision ...

Top 10 Best Yoga Books To Deepen Your Practice

Everyday life is full of meaningful moments that shape who we are. Yoga isn't just about poses; it's a part of our daily experience, guiding us through challenges and growth. We've chosen a selection of books that offer practical insights, ...

Celebrating the Cove Surf Jam — in conversation with Sam Bleakley

We put on our first ever Cove Surf Jam over at Soul & Surf Sri Lanka, a low-key, inclusive celebration of alternative craft, soul surfing and community. Ed chats with our good friend Sam Bleakley, who helped us out with advising, ...

Soul People – Dan Burgess

We love chatting with our guests, especially when we realise that they do, well, really cool stuff. Meet Dan Burgess: storyteller, podcaster and un-learning guide determined to shift our narrative about nature and the world we are part of.

A Day at a Yoga & Surf Retreat in Sri Lanka

Surf & Yoga retreats in the tropics. All sounds a bit dreamy, right? But what actually happens on these holidays? We've broken down a typical day at our beachside Sri Lanka retreat.

Yoga is Making Waves: How to Prepare for Your Surf Trip

Yoga & surf share more than they differ. Both practices require dedication, discipline and consistency, plus both confer a sense of peace & joy - and more often than not, frustration too. We offer some tips on how some simple yoga practices ...

Find Your Love

You know that dream you carry around with you each day?

It’s kinda important.

Wasn’t it what you were put on planet earth to do?

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Lifestyle Surf

Top 15 Soul Surfing Movies Everyone Should See

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Yoga Nidra: The Art of Deep Rest

Yoga Nidra is a practice of deep rest that helps counter modern stress, improve recovery, and enhance mental clarity. Unlike traditional meditation, it guides you effortlessly into relaxation, making it ideal for those of us who find it a little ...

Soul People | Vasco Monica

Meet Vasco Monica, one of the seasoned surfers we've had the pleasure of knowing.


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