Soul People | Vasco Monica

Meet Vasco Monica, one of the seasoned surfers we've had the pleasure of knowing.

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Meet Our Coaches

What's a surf and yoga retreat without its coaches? Here's a chance to get to know them yourselves.

Surf Better – Quick Tips to Prepare For Your Surf Trip

Turning up on an eagerly-awaited surf trip unfit is less than ideal. What is also less than ideal is wasting three days while your body remembers how your muscles work. We offer some practical at-home tips for you to have ...

Top 10 Indian Surfers

Here is our completely biased, top 10 list of surfers with soul in India, not the highest ranking or the most famous. The one’s who tread the line between style, grace & skill.

Cove Surf Jam ’25

We started a little surf thing and it turned into a big thing because we shared it

Mada x Soul & Surf: Surfboard Shenanigans

Our Adam – head honcho over at Soul & Surf Portugal & shaper of surfboards at Mada – delves into some of the different shapes & styles of stick, and explains why you can never have too many.

Soul & Surf’s Design Style

How Soul & Surf’s graphic design played its part in us finding our niche within the surf, yoga and retreats world.

Soul People | Lucy Small

We chat with Australian surfer and equal rights activist Lucy Small, about Soul, Surfing and her short film, Yama, that follows her as she travels to Ghana to meet with a group of pioneering female surfers and skaters.

Off The Beaten Path – A Family Adventure

The essence of Soul & Surf is travel - good ol' off-the-beaten-track exploration. After all, the company was dreamt up while Ed & Sofie were on a round the world trip. So it makes sense to reignite that sense of adventure - ...

Why Surfing Is Good For Your Mental Health

Anyone that has shaken off a bad mood by immersing themselves in water knows how cathartic the ocean can be. And us surfers are very aware of how important the connection with the sea is to our mental health. Guest ...

Celebrating the Cove Surf Jam — in conversation with Sam Bleakley

We put on our first ever Cove Surf Jam over at Soul & Surf Sri Lanka, a low-key, inclusive celebration of alternative craft, soul surfing and community. Ed chats with our good friend Sam Bleakley, who helped us out with advising, ...

A Day at a Yoga & Surf Retreat in Sri Lanka

Surf & Yoga retreats in the tropics. All sounds a bit dreamy, right? But what actually happens on these holidays? We've broken down a typical day at our beachside Sri Lanka retreat.

Yoga is Making Waves: How to Prepare for Your Surf Trip

Yoga & surf share more than they differ. Both practices require dedication, discipline and consistency, plus both confer a sense of peace & joy - and more often than not, frustration too. We offer some tips on how some simple yoga practices ...

Top 10 Ethical Surfboard Brands

We like surfboards. You like surfboards. But the production process can be pretty toxic, both for the shaper and the environment. So we’ve put together a list of our favourite ethical surfboard brands.

Why Autumn is the Best Time of Year in Portugal

We've been hanging out on the South Coast of Portugal's Algarve for nearly eight years now – how has that happened?? – so we've got a pretty good sense of our favourite things, particularly when it is surf-related.

Soul People – Nick Hounsfield

Founder of The Wave, Nick's passion for surfing inspired him to create a unique experience in a landlocked city, challenging traditional notions of wave-riding. Through his vision and dedication, he has bought together the local surf community and provided the ...

Soul of Surfing, the Four Pillars – Wave Riding

In the final instalment of our Four Pillars series, we explain our four levels of surfer - and why everyone can do with some coaching.

Soul of Surfing, the Four Pillars – Soul Surfing

In the third installment of our Four Pillars series we share the stuff that inspires us – and ask, what is Soul Surfing? ...and in doing so kinda explain why we are called Soul & Surf.

Soul of Surfing, the Four Pillars – Blue Health

In part two of our Four Pillars series we talk about Blue Health, how it relates to surfing – and how we at Soul & Surf incorporate Blue Health practices and techniques into our Soul of Surfing syllabus.

Soul of Surfing, the Four Pillars – Ocean Literacy

In this first of a four-part series, we explain what the heck Ocean Literacy is, why it matters – and how we apply it to both our company ethos and our lives as surfers.

7 Principles of Soul Surfing

Soul surfing, or surfing-as-a-way-of-life. That's the 'surf' in our Soul & Surf. And it's built on 7 principles - Soul Surfers, Soul Surfing Films, Surf Art, Surf-Related Music, Surf Literature, Soul Surfing Brands and of course Surf Activism.

Soul People – Josh Dickson

Soul People: Josh is the founder of Resurface, who create evidence-based surf therapy retreats. They provide connection, build resilience and flow, creativity and self-care – through mindfulness, group therapy, psycho-education – plus sharing the simple, immersive joy of the ocean.

Sri Lanka | Our Reflections On This Resilient, Vibrant Island

Soul & Surf co-founder Ed Templeton reflects on returning to Sri Lanka for the first time since early 2020 and gives his first impressions of the two new Soul & Surf locations.

Top 20 Soul Surfers

What makes a Soul Surfer? For us it is more than ripping, more than winning titles. It's something way less tangible, but here we are, trying to parse out what makes our favourite surfers, soulful.

Our (Soul &) Surf Guide to the Surf Spots of The Algarve

We've compiled our very own Surf Guide for the Algarve. South, West & Mid Coast (yes, that's a thing) - our favourite places to surf, wrapped up into a neat little guide. Just for you.